Korn-Sänger Jonathan Davis: Statement zum Tod seiner Frau Deven Davis
„This shouldn’t have to happen to other mothers, or anyone for that matter. I’d give anything to have the chance to hold her again. I’d give anything for my kids to have their mother back. I have comfort in knowing that now she has found freedom from her illness, and she is finally at peace. Deven, love you bebe.“

Jonathan Davis hat ein ausführliches Statement zum Tod seiner Ehefrau Deven Davis veröffentlicht. Auf Twitter postete der Korn-Sänger eine längere Notiz. Darin thematisiert Davis unter anderem ihre psychische Erkrankung, ihre daraus resultierende Sucht, die gemeinsamen Kinder und seine Liebe zu ihr. Ihr Gesundheitszustand, den Davis so lange wie möglich aus der Öffentlichkeit halten wollte, sei der Grund gewesen, warum er sich selbst seit Jahren derart für andere Betroffene eingesetzt habe. „I want California law to change to help people like me help others get the help they need. How can someone who is sick realize themselves that they need help?“, schreibt Davis unter anderem.
Lest hier Jonathan Davis‘ Statement zum Tod seiner Frau Deven Davis in voller Länge:
„Over the last few days, there has been a lot of speculation over what really happened surrounding the death of my wife, Deven, and I want my voice to be heard. Over the past decade, my wife has been very, very sick. She had a very serious mental illness and her addiction was a side effect. I loved her with ALL of my being. When she was her true self, she was an amazing wife, amazing mother and amazing friend. Deven had a huge heart, and she would never intentionally hurt her children or anyone that she loved. She was an incredibly nurturing, giving, loving and hilarious person. She was full of life and joy, and would do anything to share that with those around her. I tried to hide what was going on for so long in order to protect her, but because of this tragedy that has happened to my family, I feel that now is the time to share the truth with all of you. She is the reason I have advocated so hard for those struggling with their mental health. I want her story to inspire people to reach out for help, and not to be afraid or hide from their illness. If you know someone with a mental illness, have compassion and empathy, and know that they are not bad people, they are suffering. I want this to inspire change. I want California law to change to help people like me help others get the help they need. How can someone who is sick realize themselves that they need help? She wasn’t well enough to realize how sick she really was, and wasn’t able to get the help for herself that she really needed. This shouldn’t have to happen to other mothers, or anyone for that matter. I’d give anything to have the chance to hold her again. I’d give anything for my kids to have their mother back. I have comfort in knowing that now she has found freedom from her illness, and she is finally at peace. Deven, love you bebe. I’ll never love anyone the way I loved you, and I’ll never get over losing you. I promise I’ll do everything in my power to raise our precious boys the right way, teach them the good values you wanted them to have so badly, and to break the cycle of abuse we both experienced as kids. I’ll do everything I can to make your dreams you that you had for the future come true in your memory. The tattoo down your back, the poem I wrote for you when we started dating, said, “Even in death I’ll be by your side my love,” in German. I swear one day with you by your side when my ride here on earth is over. I love you, Luber.“
Deven Davis starb mit 39 Jahren
Die Ehefrau von Korn-Sänger Jonathan Davis und ehemalige Pornodarstellerin Deven Davis starb am 17. August 2018 im Alter von 39 Jahren. Die offizielle Todesursache ist bisher nicht bekannt.
In einem ersten Statement hatte ihre Familie mitgeteilt: „The Davis family is brokenhearted over the devastating loss of Deven Davis. We ask that you respect their privacy — and the privacy of those close to the family — and allow them the space to mourn in private. We thank you for your love, understanding and prayers of support during this difficult time.”
Deven Augustina Schuette, wie Deven Davis mit Geburtsnamen hieß, heiratete Jonathan Davis im Jahr 2004. Sie bekamen zwei Kinder. Seit längerer Zeit lebten sie getrennt, Jonathan Davis reichte 2016 die Scheidung ein. Seine Frau galt als drogenabhängig und ein Richter habe verfügt, dass sie zeitweise ihre Kinder nicht mehr sehen durfte. Jonathan Davis soll am Tag ihres Todes eine einstweilige Verfügung gegen sie erwirkt haben.
Jonathan und Deven Davis lebten getrennt
„TMZ“ berichtete außerdem, dass Deven Davis laut Jonathan Davis dauerhaft unter dem Einfluss von „nitrous oxide, cocaine and Norco“ gestanden habe. Er habe sie zudem einmal bewusstlos mit einer Heroinpfeife auf dem Boden gefunden, während in der Toilette Kokain gefunden worden sei.