Adam Yauch meditiert gegen Krebs
Der Sänger und seine Freunde, darunter Yoko Ono, setzen zweimal täglich ihre mentale Energie gegen Krebszellen ein

Der Gesundheitszustand von Beastie Boy Adam Yauch habe sich zwar zuletzt gebessert, so dass die Gruppe
im September ihr neues Album „Hot Sauce“
veröffentlichen wolle. Dennoch bat Yauch in einer Mail die Empfänger seiner Mailing List um Hilfe für den Kampf gegen seine Krankheit. Zweimal täglich, morgens und abends, würden er und seine Freunde in bis zu eineinhalbstündigen Sitzungen meditieren, „um alle Krebszellen in der Welt zu zerstören.“Er lädt jeden ein mitzumachen: „We are visualizing taking the energy away from the cancer, and then sending it back at the cancer as lightening bolts that will break apart the DNA and RNA of the cells.“ Yoko Ono will bereits einsteigen. Auf ihrer
-Website schreibt sie, sich der Meditation anzuschließen, in dem sie „visualisiert, wie alle mit Freuden tanzen für eine Welt ohne Krebs.“Yauchs Brief komplett:hello,wanted to send this out to you guys in case you were into it, or wanted to give it to anyone who you think might be.a few friends and i are meditating at the same time twice a day. 9:30am and 6:30pm eastern standard time, for about an hour and half.we are picturing smashing apart all of the cancer cells in the world.we are visualizing taking the energy away from the cancer, and then sending it back at the cancer as lightening bolts that will break apart the DNA and RNA of the cells. if you have the time, please join us in whipping up this lightening storm. mind over matter……if you prefer to sit then sit, but if you are not used to meditating, or sitting quietly doesn’t sound like fun, put on some music and dance while you do the visualization, and if you want to do it at some other time, or picture curing some other illness that’s fine too. yoko will be joining the meditation by visualizing all of us dancing with joy to celebrate the world without cancer. all variations are welcome. this is really just being done with a wish for all beings to be cured of all illnesses and to find true lasting happiness.i’ll also be saying prayers for the earthquake victims in tibet, so join in on that if you can too.please feel free to pass this onto anyone who you think may find it interesting.with all my love,adam yauch
sn – 21.04.2010