Killing-Joke-Sänger wieder aufgetaucht: Jaz Coleman ist in der Sahara

Bandmitglieder machten sich Sorgen um die Gesundheit des Killing-Joke-Sängers Jaz Coleman, der spurlos verschwunden war. Jetzt ist er wieder da – er arbeite zurück gezogen in der Sahara an einem Buch.

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„Wir machen uns große Sorgen um ihn“, hieß es auf der Facebook-Seite von Killing Joke. Sänger Jaz Coleman war kurz vor Beginn einer gemeinsamen Tournee mit The Cult und The Mission spurlos verschwunden – angeblich aufgrund eines Streits wegen der Konzerte. 

Nun meldet die Facebook-Seite, dass mit Coleman alles in Ordnung sei – „alive and kicking in the Western Sahara“.

Dort habe er „als Nomade“ an einem Buch gearbeitet und den „Score zu seinem neuen Projekt – The Nirvana Symphonic“ geschrieben. Und von einer gemeinsamen Tour mit The Mission und The Cult – habe er nichts gewusst.

Die Stellungnahme im Wortlaut:

To the relief of family and friends, Killing Joke Frontman Jaz Coleman appeared today from his retreat in the Western Sahara bemused by all the fuss of his disappearance. “I’ve been finishing my book and writing the score for my new project – (The Nirvana Symphonic) – (laughs), what’s all the fuss about then?”

Coleman had apparently been living a nomadic existence for the last month in the desert in order to concentrate on finishing his two current projects. Nirvana looks like becoming a TV show and a concert in Seattle in 2013 and the book and an exclusive Coleman album will be packaged together and available for order as early as next week.

International media picked up on the story last week, sending it global, from the press release announced by the band on the Killing Joke Official Facebook site questioning his whereabouts. Fans from around the world have been more than proactive in their opinions – from random sightings in Christchurch New Zealand, to past recollections of his elusive behaviors in Iceland.

Yet mystery still surrounds the message on Facebook regarding The Cult and The Mission Shows of which Coleman claims no knowledge. ‚Looks like this has caused a right ding dong and feel its impossible to continue this tour under the circumstances‘. His comments were to wish both The Cult and The Mission the best of luck on the tour, and to find out who has been impersonating him.

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